The Anne Ancelin Schützenberger International School of Transgenerational Therapy was founded in 2014 to cultivate and continue Prof. Anne Ancelin Schützenberger’s unique psychogenealogical approach to psychotherapy.
In 2014, Anne Ancelin Schützenberger, Manuela Maciel, Leandra Perrotta and Yaacov Naor came together in London to create this joint international effort. We realized this growing field required a training process for professionals to achieve a focused understanding and knowledge to be more effective in clinical work dealing with transgenerational trauma and positive legacies and its personal, social and historical consequences.
This unique school introduces the latest scientific developments in transgenerational studies. Participants have the opportunity of experiencing and practicing transgenerational therapy tools and techniques.
The Training, held by Leandra Perrotta and Manuela Maciel, demonstrates the original psychogenealogical approach created by the Founder of the School, Prof. Anne Ancelin Schützenberger.
The training in Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Therapy is an integrative, multidisciplinary approach of theoretical, experiential and body-based methods, which teaches the skills necessary to clarify invisible loyalties and deal with transgenerational trauma.
This training is open to Psychologists, Psychodramatists, Social Workers, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists or professionals interested in personal transgenerational work.
Anne Ancelin Schützenberger
Manuela Maciel
Leandra Perrotta
Yaacov Naor
Manuela Maciel
Leandra Perrotta
Manuela Maciel
Leandra Perrotta
Maurizio Gasseau
We continue the chain of generations and, knowingly or not, willingly or unwillingly, we pay debts of the past: as long as we have not cleared the slate, an “invisible loyalty” impels us to repeat and repeat a moment of incredible joy or unbearable sorrow, an injustice or a tragic death. Or its echo.

Anne Ancelin Schützenberger (France) developed the main concepts of Psychogenealogy and was a pioneer in the clinical and academic field of Transgenerational therapy.
Anne was Professor Emeritus at the University of Nice, France. She was trained in psychodrama by J. L. Moreno and by Jim Ennis in the United States; in group-dynamics and psycho-sociology with Kurt Lewin’s group, Leon Festinger and Ronald Lippitt.
Anne had over 40 years of experience as a therapist and analyst and was a well-respected authority, particularly in the field of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. Anne trained, conducted groups and lectured in psychogenealogy, psychodrama, non-verbal communication, group-psychotherapy until her death at 99 years old.

Manuela Maciel (Portugal) is a Clinical and Social Psychologist, Psychodramatist, EMDR Practitioner and Founder of EMDR Portugal and International Sociodrama Conference

Leandra Perrotta (Italy/Australia) is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Dance Movement Therapy and Jungian Psychodrama Trainer living in Norway.

Maurizio Gasseau (Italy) is a Jungian analyst and Associate Professor of Dynamic Psychology at the University of Aosta.
Past-Chair of the Psychodrama Section and Board member of IAGP, and a psychodrama trainer. His main interests are researching dreams in psychodrama in Social Dreaming Matrix and working on trangenerational topics. He is co-founder of Jungian Psychodrama theory in 1978, and founder of Psychodramatic Social Dreaming Matrix in 2006.
He received the FEPTO Excellence Award in 2017.