Maria Elisabeth Groinig
Studied educational science, social pedagogy and inclusive research at the University of Klagenfurt.
She works in the field of social science with research focus on educational science, child and youth welfare system, “Care Leavers”, protection against violence and qualitative methods.
The training in and work with the contextual, transgenerational psychogenealogy approach opens a new field of collective wisdom in her professional and personal life.
Marie-Madeleine Nyssens
+32 497177160 | Website
She work in Brussels. Certified therapist in psychodrama (Ecole Française de Psychodrame) and psychogenealogy (ITTA).
She have been trained and supervised by Anne Ancelin Schützenberger for 10 years.
Minja Leko
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Switzerland
Besides being a doctoral student doing her research on intergenerational war trauma transmission mechanisms, she is a psychologist, online counselor and psychotherapist.
While working both in an individual and a group setting, She speak Bosnian, English and French.
Her approach is integration of EMDR, Transactional Analysis, Intergenerational Family Therapy and Psychodrama.
Carla Pessanha Antinetti
+55 21 99295-7421
Facilitadora em Constelação Familiar, arte-terapeuta, praticante em terapia transgeracional.
Franciany Serpa Madeira
+55 48 98848 2713
Integrative therapist, speaker, post graduate in parapsychology and integrative health and welfare by the Albert Einstein Hospital.
Practtioner in transgenerational therapy, graduate coordenator of wellfare cience and self realization.
Isabella Frujuelle dos Anjos
+55 16 981143535 | Instagram
Bacharel em Direito, com especialização em Direito Sistêmico pela Hellinger Schule e formação em Constelação Familiar modelo Vera Bassoi.
Graduanda do último ano de Psicologia. Psicoterapeuta Transgeracional pela Escola Internacional Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger
Karim H B Xavier da Silva
+55 41 33367727
+55 41 999763263 | Instagram
Psicóloga, Psicodramatista, Psicoterapeuta familiar, e Psicogenealogista pela Fundapsi, Escola de Psicogenealogia de Buenos Aires e Psicoterapeuta Transgeracional pela Escola Internacional Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger
Vanda de Sá Lírio
55 11 997562850 (WhatsApp)
Vanda de Sá Lírio, brasileira, residente na cidade de São Paulo.
Formação em Ciências Biológicas com especialização em Saúde Pública, ramo em que atuou por mais de 28 anos, desempenhando funções de coordenação e liderança em laboratórios de análises clínicas e de alimentos.
Pós aposentadoria incluiu formações e atendimentos nas áreas de Parapsicologia (pós-graduada), Astrologia e Psicogenealogia. Desenvolve estudos na área de Astrogenealogia.
Dedica-se ainda a aplicação de terapias corporais como barra de Access, Thetahealing e Reiki.
Neide J.G.Eisele
+0055 21 99976 0035
Psicóloga Clínica – CRP 06/12672
Especializações: Psicogenealogia e Terapia Transgeracional, Terapia Familiar Sistêmica, Psicodramatista, Especialista em Psicotrauma – EMDR e Brainspotting, Psicologia Ampliada pela Antroposofia, Terapeuta Biográfica, Terapeuta Floral
Idiomas: Português, Frances, Alemão
Amanda Castro
55 (48) 988091109
Psicodramatista didata supervisora, doutora em Psicologia, especialista em psicologia do desenvolvimento, faz atendimentos online à adultos e supervisiona terapeutas.
Bibiana Rueda Bueno
Bibiana Rueda-Bueno is a Psychologist and certified practitioner in Psychogenealogy and Bioneuroemotion®; with over 13 years of experience.
She has developed an approach to work with her clients to acknowledge, understand and release unhealthy mental and emotional patterns related to their family, culture and overall, the upbringing.
Sessions available in English & Spanish.
Ivana Jurić
+385 91 891 61 86|Website
A psychotherapist in private practice (ECP), psychologist, trainer in Center for Psychodrama (Croatia), Transgenerational psychotherapy practitioner (trained by Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger School of transgenerational therapy), Child integrative psychotherapist.
She is working with adults, adolescents and children, in group and individual setting; she has specialized her work in healing Eating Disorders, Trauma and early trauma and loss, etc. She has conducted numerous workshops in psychodrama and transgenerational psychotherapy in Croatia.
Marek Preiss, PhD.
Natália Costa
- Coach Executiva, certificada pela Academia de Coaching Executivo
- Coach infantil certificada pelo Colégio de Oxford
- Praticante de Psicogenealogia, certificada pela Escola Internacional de Terapia Transgeracional de Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger
- Mentora parental, certificada pela Metro Charity, UK
- Certificada pelo DBS, UK
- Economista e Consultora
0044 7773 666 687
London, UK
Natália Costa, vive em Londres há 10 anos onde viu nascer e crescer os seus 2 filhos com 6 e 9 anos. Após 16 anos enquanto Coach de equipas e indivíduos no mundo corporativo, Natália decidiu focar o seu trabalho mais recente no alicerce mais importante da nossa vida e da saúde mental de todos os indivíduos - a Família, formando-se como praticante de Psicogenealogia com o objectivo de apoiar famílias que buscam novas e mais empáticas abordagens para melhorar, gerir e aproveitar todo o potencial da sua vida familiar, especialmente aqueles que passaram por um processo difícil de emigração e deixaram suas famílias nos seus países de origem.
Psicogenealogia e ferramentas de Coaching integrativo são abordagens importantes que Natália traz para a suas sessões. Cada pessoa será avaliada e ouvida ativamente para recolher cuidadosamente todos os detalhes, a realidade, os recursos positivos e padrões disfuncionais. Desde a primeira sessão é utilizada uma abordagem direta, calorosa, empática e profunda, recorrendo a diversas técnicas de coaching e psicogenealogia, terapia corporal, exercícios respiratórios e de relaxamento.
Para além dos temas gerais tratados de forma personalizada para cada caso, o seu foco visa trabalhar com temas familiares relacionados com a gestão emocional de padrões disfuncionais em busca de recursos positivos. Ao nível do processo de emigração, por exemplo, como criar uma rede de suporte num país diferente? Como garantir estabilidade emocional que fica mais difícil com a distância? Como avaliar e gerir emoções? Como manter a cultura do país de origem quando se vive num país diferente? Como gerir a distância com a restante família? Como manter laços fortes? Como manter os avós e tios presentes na vida das crianças e adolescentes?
Para mais detalhes, consulte aqui:
Marie Christine Andre-Agrech
+33 6 34 15 65 41
Practitioner in Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Therapy CPTT
Since the beginning of my professional career, I have been working in the field of Human Resources.
Previously as an HR development consultant (recruitment, talent management, etc…)
Today as a mediator, still in companies, but more and more in family and succession mediation (especially judicial)
It is in this context of family conflicts and because of my family history that I decided to train in psychogenealogy at Anne Ancelin Schützenberger International School Transgenerational Therapy.
It became obvious to me, even if we do not do analysis in mediation, that there are many similarities between psychogenealogy and humanistic mediation and that they are able to coexist with each other and to enrich each other.
Cinzia Guernaccia
+33 6 95 49 98 21 |
Cinzia Guarnaccia is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and researcher, she works as Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology at University Rennes 2 and as a psychologist and trainer in an independent practice. She is interested in psychopathology, psycho-criminology and victimology. She trained in transgenerational theory and the use of the genosociogram at ITTA (International School of Transgenerational Therapy) according to the Anne Ancelin Schützenberger method and has been certified as a Practitioner of Transgenerational Therapy (CPTT) since 2016.
Cristina Hockl
Certified psychological counsellor and grief therapist with an emphasis on awareness, communication and empathy. Her focus is on bringing light to our inner resources to see how we are able to help ourselves and challenge our inherent beliefs, and accepting death as a natural part of life.
She is a healing practitioner with an additional degree in social work, and with her interdisciplinary approach to therapy, she combines transgenerational therapy, psychogenealogy and working with HSPs (highly sensitive persons). Additionally, she is a certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner and is in the process of receiving her certification in holistic psychotherapy.
She works with teenagers and adults in one-to-one sessions, and is able to conduct sessions in English, German or Romanian.
Anastasia Golema
Active Actress, Director, Satyananda Yoga Instructor, Psychodramatist, Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and Transgenerational Psychotherapist.
She continues her journey studying psychology in the European University of Cyprus.
She runs a theater group named "Selana". She is the creator of "Theater Therapy" a space for research on Theater and Psychodrama, in Athens, Greece.
Krisztina Galgoczi
Is a Hungarian psycho- and sociodramatist with fifteen years of experience teaching drama and theatre studies at different universities in Hungary. Currently she is a freelance dramatist working with psychodrama and sociodrama in different settings. She is particularly committed to enhance social responsibility in Hungarian society and to help facing our past with understanding our transgenerational heritage.
Julia Vinckler-Nannattu
+372 5263230
Certified psychodrama therapist, trainer, supervisor and practitioner for transgenerational therapy.
She provides individual and group therapy in English, Russian and Estonian.
Rashmi Datt
Certified Psychodrama Director (PAT), PCC Coach (ICF certified), Psychodrama trainer, Supervisor and practitioner of transgenerational therapy.
She works from Gurgaon, India and is the CEO of Vedadrama, an ICF accredited Coach Training school, which provides training in using Psychodrama for coaching.
Chiara Cantarelli
0039 349 3125631
2016 Certified Practitioner in Transgenerational Therapy in "Anne Anceline Schutzenberger International School of Transgenerational Therapy".
25 years working as a Professional Educator in a Public Administration with mental and physical disabled persons and now with political refugees and asylum applicants.
Researcher about trauma and psycogenealogy impact on migration experience.
Stefania Rapone
+39 3883594977
She is a Clinical Psychologist and Transgenerational Therapist.
She has a Master Degree in Modern Literature, Clinical Psychology and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, in her private activity she welcomes adolescents and adults.
Cristina Dini
+ 39 3386539776
Comparative psychologist, she has been working as a freelancer since 1998 and she speaks English, French and Spanish. She works both in individual and group settings. She collaborated with voluntary associations against domestic violence. She loves writing, painting, traveling and nature.
Arezzo, near Florence - Italy
Daniela Pittaluga
+39 3488647469
She is an Italian psychotherapist, a junghian Psychodramatist and a certified transgenerational therapist.
She works both in individual and group settings.
Elizabeth Chester
+39 3357189942
I am a Counselor (IPSO school Milano, Italy) and trainer in Gentle Bioenergetics at the Eva Reich Center with particular emphasis on the importance of prenatal phases and first years of a child’s life. I am a certified Practitioner in Psychogeneaology and Transgenerational Therapy.
I have integrated these skills so as to help persons who are going through a difficult moment to retrace their personal and transgenerational history and become aware of how this makes them go through life.
Fiorenza Ferrua
+39 3921027501
Psychologist and psychotherapist trained at the Institute of Analytical Psychology and Psychodrama of Ivrea. Practitioner in Transgenerational Therapy at the Anne Ancelin Shützenberger International School of Transgenerational Therapy. Her path has led her to develop a greater sensitivity to LGBT issues, interculturality, appreciation and love of differences and transgenerational psychological aspects. She works in individual and group settings through Jungian psychodrama in Turin and online.
She speaks English, Portuguese, French and Spanish. She loves sports, yoga, dance and contact with nature.
Giulia Boretti
I’m a Clinical Psychologist and a Transgenerational Therapist. I practice in my study and online, in individual and group setting. I’m continuing my training in Analytical Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. Dreams, creativity and intuition guide me in my work which I consider dynamic, symbolic and empathetic. I believe in the importance of feeling connected with our soul and others to live a free, authentic and loving life.
Ida Sarno
Bachelor in Psychological Techniques. Certified Practitioner in Transgenerational Therapy. I work individually, with families and groups to promote awareness, resolve conflicts, encourage emotional growth and improve relationships with others
Lucia Moretto
+39 3382369639 | Website | Website
Psychologist, individual and group psychotherapist. Director of the two-year course of Dream Drawing and Psychodrama.
Teacher in the School of Specialization in Psychodramatic Psychotherapy in Milan directed by Giovanni Boria. Certification EMDR 2nd level.
Certification practitioner in Psycogenealogy and Transgenerational therapy.
Luciana Tamagni
+39 3393693845
2016 Certified Practitioner in Transgenerational Therapy in "Anne Anceline Schutzenberger International School of Transgenerational Therapy".
Psychotherapist specialized in body mediation therapy, Bioenergetic Analysis and an integrated and holistic approach. Since 2009 I have been working privately in my studio with great passion and a spirit of research.
Maria Gioia Mosca
+ 39 392 3406108
Psychologist specialized in psychology communication, psychodrama therapist, trainer in various techniques and multidisciplinary studies (Naturopathy, Posturology, Cranio sacral, Awareness coaching).
Almost 40 years of experience and since 1993 in Moreno's psychodrama that it was Love at first sight, and over the last ten years, I have carried out innovative research on this method, which I will publish next year.
Our cells change every moment, and I think the time has come to adequate the same speed to the thoughts to build a more spontaneous and creative present and future.
Micol Bottaro
Micol Bottaro is a psychologist and psychotherapist.
She was certified by the Anne Ancelin Schützenberger International School. Graduated as psychotherapist at IPAP (Institute of Analytical Psychology and Psychodrama)
She currently works in Genova (Italy) in private practices doing individual and group therapy. She collaborates with a Family Counseling and develops projects in schools with adolescents.
Valentina Sanna
I am a body-oriented counselor, and I work with groups, couples, and individuals, in presence and online. My clients love to dance, to contact and express emotions through the body, in order to find their inner voice. My special focus is on "love, eros and sex", and on transgenerational themes.
Simona Pagnoni
She works in Italy with children, teenagers and adults, couples and families.
She is a certified child psychologist and psychotherapist.
Her approach integrates Transgenerational Therapy, EMDR and Bioenergetic Analysis.
Tizana Grasso
+39 3471328128 | Website
She is a Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychodramatist and Certified Practitioner in Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Therapy.
She works in her study near Torino and online all over the world.
Rebecca Lind
+47 928 53 443"
Psychodramatist trained in transgenerational therapy. Born in the US in multicultural family, an interest in Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome is awakened.
Public health nutritionist with experience as a group therapist for women with eating disorders. Vocational teacher for health practitioners and previously worked in vocational rehabilitation.
Speak English and Norwegian. Consultations in person or online
Ken Tyler
Ken helps leadership discover entanglements, enmeshments, entitlements and more hidden legacies which have been transmitted from previous generations of leadership and which have trapped present leadership into being the hero time and again. To this Ken says: Time to grow beyond being a hero and build a leadership legacy!
Tomek Kwieciński
Certified as a Praticioner of Transgenerational Therapy in 2022. He is also passionate about therapeutic use of non ordinary states of conciousness - Holotropic Breathwork and psychedelic therapy in Netherlands. Involved in traditional shamanic ceremonies, author of a book "Follow the Call. Therapeutic experiences in expanded states of conciousness", leaded and facilitated workshops in 15 countries. He lives (in Warsaw) with his family.
Filipa Perfeito
Filipa Perfeito is portuguese and a clinical psychologist since 2004, specialized en family and systems therapy. She has a degree in psychogenealogy and has an integrative approach.
Felipa Terenas | | Instagram
Felipa Terenas é formada em Comunicação Empresarial e o seu gosto pela comunicação levou-a a percorrer um caminho de desenvolvimento pessoal e cuidado ao próximo.
Com uma pós-graduação em Psicologia Positiva Aplicada e uma especialização em Inquérito Apreciativo e Orientação para as Soluções segue depois o caminho da Psicogenealogia tornando-se terapeuta certificada.
O crescimento pessoal positivo e terapia de integração positiva são as suas ferramentas de trabalho. A vontade de quebrar ciclos menos positivos e a certeza de que há sempre algo para agradecer mesmo no mais difícil dos momentos são o seu mote.
Maria Almeida
Finalist in Psychology I am passionate about life and its aventures. I began my transgenerational path at 18 and never looked back since then. During this journey, I experienced and witnessed trauma healing, almost like magic. Therefore, I believe that this is one’s of my life’s paths and I embrace it with curiosity.
Matilde Batalha
- | Website
I was born in 1977. I'me a Clinical Psychologist with specialization in Community Psychology, Psychogerontology and Psychotherapy. I understand the human being in its uniqueness, considering that there is no single and effective psychotherapeutic approach for all. My psychotherapeutic approach is integrative, in a constant learning process, with training in psychodynamics, systemic family therapy, clinical hypnotherapy, transpersonal psychology, EMDR, family constellations, psychogeneology and transgenerational therapy. I believe that everything and everyone is connected and that the intrinsic potential of life is love.
I'm an activist collaborating with animal protection, environmental, social and political projects. I live in Portugal with my husband, my two daughters and my pets.
Petra Anselmo
+351 918674965
- Uma pessoa de natureza inconformista, resiliente e inquieta;
- Com uma constante necessidade de aprendizagem em distintas áreas de interesse como arte, neurociência, conservação & reabilitação, yoga e psicologia;
- Acredita que a sua missão está ligada à saúde mental e bem-estar, e que estes são o maior bem que o ser humano pode possuir;
- Deseja deixar a sua pegada / legado contribuindo e fazendo a diferença na vida de outros indivíduos;
- Nos seus tempos livres é uma mãe presente e afetuosa de dois adolescentes, esposa dedicada e uma entusiasta de bricolagem e jardinagem.
I'm an activist collaborating with animal protection, environmental, social and political projects. I live in Portugal with my husband, my two daughters and my pets.
Sara Larcher
I am an integrative and systemic coach. Master in Law, I worked in multinationals for 20 years. From my various backgrounds, I highlight the executive master in applied positive psychology, and international certifications in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – MBSR, University of California, San Diego and transgenerational therapy by the international school of Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger.
Ana Cristina F.P. Melo
916857920 | Instagram
Sou uma pessoa inquieta que procura sempre saber mais de forma a sentir-se mais completa, mais inteira na relação com o outro.
Procuro aprender em diversas áreas, desde a enfermagem, a saúde mental, shiatsu, counseller em gestalt, yoga, constelações familiares, astrologia, psicogenealogia
Acredito que a minha missão está direcionada ao serviço, tentando resgatar o melhor nível de saúde mental e bem estar. O meu interesse e sensibilidade na transgeracionalidade foi crescendo nos últimos anos.
Faço acompanhamento presencial, em Lisboa e on line.
Sou mãe de duas mulheres adultas e sou avó.
Moro em Portugal, em Lisboa, onde vivo com a minha filha mais nova e com os meus animais de estimação, uma cadela labrador e uma gata.
Gosto muito de passear na natureza, quer em floresta, quer ainda junto ao mar. O contacto com a natureza nutre-me.
Manuella Neves
+351 916610475
Licenciada em Serviço Social, especializada em Comportamentos Aditivos; pós-graduada em: Alcoologia; Comportamentos Aditivos com e sem substâncias; Terapia Familiar e Intervenção Sistêmica.
Ana Teresa de Jesus
Ana Teresa de Jesus nasce em Lisboa. Terceira de sete filhas, mãe de dois filhos. Aos dezassete anos era já uma jovem, fascinada pelo ser humano.
Cedo decide que faria um trabalho ligado às pessoas e à sociedade.
Apaixonada pelo mundo das artes, da cultura e da vida social, foi na Licenciatura em Animação Sociocultural que encontrou a solução académica, para desenvolver o sonho de ajudar a transformar vidas, tendo em conta o indivíduo, a família, a cultura e a sociedade.
Começou cedo um trabalho de integração de jovens e crianças de risco e apoio as comunidades. Atenta às transformações sociais e à oportunidade de agir, em 2008 decide voltar à vida académica e munir-se de novas ferramentas terapêuticas, para poder agir num mundo em evolução constante. Acompanhando as tendências da necessidade de uma nova educação, faz pós-graduação em neuro-educação, combinando a Psicologia, neurociência e educação. A esta pós-graduação, soma mestrado em Educação e Sociedade no ISCTE, pós -graduação em Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana, Certificação internacional em coaching, Certificação Internacional em constelações sistémicas organizacionais e familiares, SocioDrama, Focusing no ISPA, Técnicas de medicina Ayurveda, facilitadora do Instituto Heart Math e muitas outras formações na área dos comportamentos.
Na viagem académica pelas diversas áreas científicas e não científicas, não menos importantes, experiência na primeira pessoa, o potencial transformador de técnicas de meditação, reeducação emocional, autoconhecimento e desenvolvimento pessoal. Na integração de todo este conhecimento surge finalmente a Psicogenelaogia e Terapia Transgeracional.
Ana Teresa intitula a sua abordagem como “orientação Sistémica”, destinada a quem procura respostas sobre si e o seu sistema, procura novas visões e um sentido diferente para a sua vida.
Margarida Mourão
- | | Instagram
Sou Terapeuta de Integração Positiva.
A minha aventura começa em 2019 com a Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Positiva Aplicada (ISCTE- Lisboa); continua com o Curso de Mindfulness, a especialização em Inquérito Apreciativo e Orientação para as Soluções; conduz-me ao Curso de Psicogenealogia e Terapia Transgeracional (que conclui este ano).
Abriu-me a um mundo de esperança: cuidar e curar as relações familiares, viver a gratidão de luzes dos nossos antepassados, devolver as sombras transgeracionais.
Acredito que cada um de nós pode mudar o mundo, com simplicidade e pequenas ações.
Sónia Esteves
-| Instagram | Linkedin
Psicóloga Clínica e Educacional| Psicodramatista| Terapeuta EMDR (nível 2)
- Psicogenealogia e terapia transgeracional
- Membro efetivo da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicodrama.
- Especialista avançada em psicologia clínica e da saúde com Mestrado em Psicologia da Educação e do Desenvolvimento
- Pós-Graduação em Expressões Criativas Terapêuticas: Drama e Arte
- Formação teórica e prática em Sociodrama emitida pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicodrama.
- Prestadora de Primeiros Socorros Psicológicos
- Técnica de Apoio à Vítima (TAV)
- Licenciatura em Educação e Psicologia do Desenvolvimento.
- Desenvolvimento de programas de competências sócio-emocionais e de desenvolvimento vocacional.
- Apoio psicoterapêutico a jovens, adultos e vítimas de violência doméstica
- Formadora com Certificado de Competências Pedagógicas - CCP
Vanessa Agra
- | Website
Sou Coach e Formadora em Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Educação. Sou também doutorada em Astrofísica. Originária da Galiza (Espanha), morei em diferentes países antes de me fixar em Portugal para realizar um pós-doutoramento de investigação na área da formação estelar. O desejo de contribuir para um mundo mais humano, e valorizador da diversidade e potencial individuais, motivou-me a procurar novos caminhos profissionais.
Formei-me em coaching de vida, coaching relacional e de liderança (Le Playground, Paris) e em coaching educativo (Escuela de Comunicación Ontológica, Buenos Aires).
Querendo aprofundar as vertentes curativa, integral e sistémica próprias da minha prática profissional, formei-me mais recentemente em psicogenealogia pela Anne Ancelin Schützenberger International School of Transgenerational Therapy.
Tânia Mendonça
Sou a Tânia, nasci e vivo nesta que é considerada a Pérola do Atlântico - a Ilha da Madeira.
Fui mãe de uma menina aos 17 anos e foi com ela que cresci, amadureci,tornei-me mulher.
Sou apaixonada por aprender e por descobrir novas formas de fazer e de pensar. Estudei terapias manuais ( quiromassagem, shiatsu, reflexologia, massagem tailandesa, massagem indiana à cabeça, drenagem linfática manual, massagem e recuperação desportiva). Durante a minha prática percebi a ligação do físico aos campos emocional, energético e espiritual. Sou terapeuta happy yoga, terapeuta de meditação infantil, humanoterapeuta, terapeuta de regressão a vidas passadas, leitura de registos akáshicos e leitura da aura.
Retomei o meu percurso académico e estou a terminar a licenciatura em ciências sociais ao mesmo tempo que aprofundo a minha outra paixão que é a macrobiótica na vertente do aconselhamento.
A Psicogenealogia trouxe-me a consciência e a integração de mim, da minha história,das minhas escolhas, dos meus padrões, da minha herança transgeracional. Trouxe-me também um complemento na compreensão do outro.
O roteiro da nossa vida escreve-se à medida que tomamos consciência de nós.
Ana Correia
Sou licenciado em Economia, e depois de uma carreira de várias décadas na área financeira, quase sempre em papeis de liderança de equipas, comecei a dedicar-me, desde há cerca de 10 anos, a actividade na área do desenvolvimento pessoal.
Sou coach e mentor especializado em gestão de carreira, liderança e gestão de stress e dou formação em diversas áreas (EFT - Emotional Freedom techniques, Inteligência Emocional, Gestão de Conflitos, Liderança, Coaching). Sou terapeuta especializado em técnicas de EFT e a Psicogenealogia Transgeracional é a minha mais recente paixão.
António José A. Rebocho | Web | Instagram | Facebook | Linkedin
Portuguesa, nascida em Angola em 1973.
Licenciada em Direito , com experiência profissional de 21 anos na área financeira - Banca de retalho, onde exerci uma grande parte do tempo funções de chefia e enquadramento de pessoas .
Ao longo deste percurso percebi que o meu ponto forte era no “cuidar” das pessoas, clientes e colaboradores.
Num processo de busca de autoconhecimento e desenvolvimento espiritual continuo, estudante de Xamanismo e astrologia.
Fiz formação em PNl (practitioner) e mais recentemente a descoberta da Psicogenealogia e terapias Transgeracionais sistémicas, deu-me um novo alento e força para a mudança profissional que buscava e que agora abraço.
“Magia do nascimento; do acordar para algo novo .
De uma terra árida, inóspita que ainda assim nos oferece sempre um lindo nascer do Sol, para o terreno místico da fogueira, das poções e ervas curadoras.
Curandeiros é o grupo em que me sinto em casa, o abraço poderoso que tudo cura “.
Sou a Belisa, tenho 48 anos, sou mãe de dois meninos e mulher/ companheira.
Em 2004 comecei o meu processo de autoconhecimento com retiros e formações:
Formei-me em Rebirthing (Terapia de Respiração),
Terapia Multidimensional,
Massagem Ayurvedica,
Terapia Transgeracional.
Criei também o meu método único Breath-Healing Meditation - um método que une a meditação e a respiração com o objetivo de aprofundar a cura dos bloqueios emocionais.
Hoje quero ajudar mais pessoas a curar as suas feridas emocionais, elevar a sua consciência e ser mais felizes.
Márcia Cristina Forte Faria
919686662 | Website
“Descrevo-me como terapeuta humanista. Procuro manter um olhar holístico sobre o outro, onde todos os saberes concorrem para uma intervenção mais acertada. Procuro aprender com o outro e manter uma postura de partilha e humildade que proporcionem a aproximação e as mudanças necessárias daqueles que se sentem mais fragilizados ou diminuídos. Todos somos Um e essa consciência é o mais importante no processo da evolução pessoal, de cura e de melhoria da qualidade de vida”.
Márcia Faria, licenciou-se em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde pela Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, em 1994.
Em 1997, concluiu a pós-graduação em Neuropsicologia no Colégio Universitário de Altos Estudos, no Porto.
Em 2000, obteve o grau de Mestre em Psicologia da Saúde, na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, com a dissertação “Qualidade de Vida das Mães de crianças com Síndrome de Down”.
Em Julho de 2016, foi reconhecida como Psicóloga Especialista em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde pela Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses.
É membro efetivo da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses e, desde o início de 2018, da American Psychological Association.
Em 2008 concluiu o Curso Superior de Acupunctura e Fitoterapia Tradicional Chinesa no Instituto Português de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa e APA-DA (Associação Portuguesa de Acupunctura e Disciplinas Associadas), sob a direção do Dr. Pedro Choy.
Em 2008 obteve o nível I de Instrutora de Tai Chi Chuan, sob a supervisão do mestre Liming Yue (Chen Style Tai Chi Centre-UK), e desde 2009 que é mestre de Reiki.
Em 2014 obteve o grau de Mestre em Medicina Tradicional Chinesa, no ICBAS (Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar) da Universidade do Porto, com a dissertação “ Efeito da acupuntura nas células NK em doentes com cancro da mama submetidas a quimioterapia – Estudo prospectivo, randomizado e controlado”.
Docente da disciplina de Psicopatologia da Licenciatura em Acupuntura no Instituto Piaget de Vila Nova de Gaia, no ano letivo 2020/2021.
Desde 2022 possui formação avançada em Constelações Familiares e recentemente, março de 2024, concluiu o Curso de Certificação em Psicogenealogia e Terapia Transgeracional da International School of Transgerational Therapy of Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger, sob orientação de Manuela Maciel.
Diana Sousa Faustino
- | Instagram
Licenciada em Administração Pública, Mestranda em Gestão e Políticas Públicas e Pós – Graduada em Expressões Criativas Terapêuticas: Drama e Arte.
Formação de curta duração em Arteterapia e Musicoterapia, Terapia Familiar e Coaching Psicológico.
Formação em Dança Movimento Terapia, Constelações Sistémicas Familiares e Organizacionais, Doula e Educadora de Fertilidade Consciente.
Estudante de Xamanismo, Herbalismo Ancestral, e de Astrologia, facilitadora dos ritos Munay-Ki, Womb Keeper Practtioner, Professora de Reiki Essencial e leitora de Aura, Guia de Círculos de Mulheres e Rituais, facilitadora de processos de desenvolvimento pessoal desde 2008.
Flávia Ferreira
Eu sou uma pessoa alegre e compassiva, interessada no comportamento humano e relações humanas. Muito curiosa sobre dinâmicas familiares e parentalidade, procurando saber sempre mais sobre estes temas, bem como Inteligência emocional.
Sou enfermeira em Cuidados Paliativos e Saúde Mental.
Estudei Reiki, Massoterapia, Numerologia, Hipnose e Psicogenealogia.
Desde 2018 num processo profundo de autoconhecimento, tomadas de consciência, em busca de clareza mental. Procuro encontrar a minha própria luz e igualmente ajudar quem precisa de encontrar a sua própria luz.
Adrian Răulea
+40 724 557 818 | E-mail
Organizational psychologist and certified trainer, with more than15 years of experience in emotional intelligence development programs.
As Practitioner Transgenerational Psychotherapist, Adrian works with clients in individual and group therapy and with leaders in organizations in executive business therapy sessions.
Daniela Cristian
+40752-798-365| Website
Organizational and private Coch Life with over 20 years of experience in the field
Facilitator at the International Recall Healing Institute Canada
Certificate in Tarot Studies from Lancaster School of Psihodrama and Experential Psychoterapies
Practitioner in Transgenerational Therapy Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger International School of Pschyogenealogy and Transgenerational Therapy
Dana Meleghi
20 years experience as organizational psychologist in multinational companies.
Master degree in clinical psychology.
Running through different programs like NLP, experiential therapy, family constellation therapy.
Christina Schmidt
Licensed psychotherapist, psychodramatist
Associate Professor since 2016 = Faculty of Psychology, University of Bucharest, Romania.
Co-Chair for International Committee in ASGPP (American Association for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama)
President and founder International Center for Psychogenealogy.
Founded the first Romanian (2014) Coaching School approved by ICF.
Graduated Coaching Metasysteme Program 2006
An experience of over 25 years as a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer and 15 years of coaching (organizational and private basis).
Cristina Chis
Cristina has a background in business environments and psychology. She is working with women that want to heal their relationship with money, and become change agents of the new world. She uses transgenerational practice, NLP, behavioural training and coaching.
She is an ICF, PCC certified coach, she coaches the person, not the problem. Typical subjects: impostor syndrome, career changes, business creation, romantic relationships, collective and team coaching.
Iulia Petcu
0040771247522 | Facebook
Psychologist with Master Degree in Clinical Psychology. Psychotherapist licensed in Psychodrama and Oneiric Drawing.
Practitioner in Transgenerational Therapy at Anne Ancelin Schützenberger International School. She works individual and group psychotherapy offline and on-line in private practice at Individual Psychology Office Elena-Iulia Petcu
Valentina Bota
Clinical psychologyst over 20 years experince, with specialization in child development, pediatric psychology, psychosomatic and psychodiagnosis, supervisor in clinical psychology.
Psychotherapist with training in psychodrama and sistemic couple and family therapy
Anna Krainova
Doctor, clinical psycholigist, family system psychotherapist. Member of IAGP, ICEEFT, OPPL. Working in polymodal approach with couples, families, adults; with grieving, suicides, losts, PA, OCD, fobias, anxiety, depression, crysis, devorces, relations. I combine Narrative, EFT (Emotional-Focused Therapy), Psychodrama, Art- and Sandplay, BST (Brief Strategy Therapy). She is a supervisor.
Daria Kostevich
Analytical psychologist, art-therapist.
Teacher at fundamental course of Jungian psychology in Inter-regional center for analytical psychology, Russia. Translator of seminars and articles on psychology and psychoanalysis (Russian-english).
For more than 10 years I have been helping people to walk the path of individuation to help them become who they really are.
My therapeutical interests are: transgenerational therapy, Jungian theory, perinatal psychology, creative expression therapy, eco-psychology and eco-therapy.
Ekaterina Kryukova
Psychologist, psychodramatist, gestalt therapist, senior coach and supervisor. Head of the Department of Psychodrama MIGIP, a member of the Board of the Psychodrama Association (Russia), a member of the European Association of Group Psychotherapy (EAGP).
Ekaterina Mikhailova
Ekaterina was born in 1955 and studied clinical psychology in Moscow State University. Certified as psychodrama- and gestalt-therapist in 1990s, later established training programs in IGISP (Moscow), wrote 5 books on Psychodrama and related issues. Vice-president of Psychodrama Association (Russia)
Ekaterina Zhuikova
Ekaterina Zhuikova, clinical psychologist, family therapist,
2004-2015 working in Clinical center of mental health for children and adolescents;
2002-2014 leading the groups for adoptive and foster parents;
since 2002 - now private practice (individual and family therapy);
since 2004 - now teaching and supervising on field of family therapy, psychology of adoption;
currently - lecturer in Russian State University for the Humanities
Inna Illarionova
Psychologist, psychodrama body-oriented therapist, EMDR therapist, family therapist
Specialises in working with trauma, substitute families
Psychotherapist at the Institute of Psychodrama, Coaching and Role Training
Leader of ecological group in own district
Irina Pervushina
In my youth, my passion was culturology and literature, I was also interested in history, philosophy and theater. Having chosen the profession of a psychotherapist, working in psychodrama, I had the opportunity to practice these areas in working with people.
Psychogenosociodrama is my big love of today.
Julia Yurkevich
tel +007 910 4293931
I have a private practice as a psychodrama therapist, family mediator and crisis psychologist. At the same time I am working at a Russian non-government organization as a psychologist with victims of domestic violence.
Karina Karamyan
Psychologist, psychodrama, sistemic family, EFT & EMDR therapist.
Psychotherapist at the Institute of Psychodrama, Coaching and Role Training (Moscow), trainer & supervisor in the social sphere. Specialises at the work with families.
Kasimova Kaminat
Kasimova Kaminat Psychologist; psychodrama, EMDR, EFS therapist. Specialises at the work with trauma, sexuality and food disorders. Actively works with ancestors's legacy. Graduated, amongst others: - MA program in Creating Arts Therapies, University of Haifa - Psychodrama Bodywork from Suzan Aaron (Canada) - Transgenerational Therapy program, Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger International School of Therapy
Katia Winebaum-Gershkovich
Psychologist, psychodramatist, sociometrist, systemic family therapist, specialist in brainspotting, energy therapist.
Working in individual and in group settings in Moscow and online.
Favourite topics in my work are love, sexuality and femininity.
Lyudmila Petranovskaya
+7 926 437-97-02
Born in 1967. Family psychological counsellor , psychodramatist, systemic family therapist, supervisor. Field of expertise: child-parent relationships, complicated parenthood, orphanhood and family placement. Author of books, articles and courses for parents. Author of training sessions for professionals working in the field of orphanhood and difficult childhood.
Marina Petrash
Psychologist, psychodramatherapist, EMDR-therapist, teacher of psychodrama in Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, trainer in the Association of Psychodrama of Russia. Practiсе since 2009
Marina Levandovskaya
Natalia Goloulina
Yulia Klimovskaya
Psychologist: psychodrama, EMDR, genosociogram, brain gymnastics, phototherapy, metaphorical cards.
I help understand own resources, strengths and abilities, see the problem as a task, choose the best solution, find a way out.
Hobbies: books, theater, travel, cats. Interests - photography (cities and people), urban ecology and charity.
Yulia Pustynnikova
Psychologist, MA in Counselling (University of Manchester), psychodrama therapist, Jungian fairytale therapist, publisher.
Born in a family with wide spectrum of transgenerational issues, I made a long journey of mistakes, disappointments, exploration and insights, moments of sincerity and truth, resilience, grief, acceptance and forgiveness to the point of taking life in it’s fierce beauty of abundant and ambivalent experience it gives us.
Victoria Solovieva
+7 916 636 47 21
Psychologist, Hypnologist
Love to see the faces which open like beautiful flowers with the help of therapy and people can accept and enjoy their authenticity and inner beauty
Russian and English
Ana Rokvić Pinterič
+38631792246 | Website
Certified psychodrama psychotherapist (ECP), Master of Art Therapy (University of Ljubljana) and Practitioner in Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Therapy.
Working with groups, organisations, couples and individuals, in Brlog, Center for psychodrama in Ljubljana, Slovenia and online with clients from around the globe.
Speaking Slovenian, English and Serbo-Croat language.
Maja Petrović-Šteger
I have always been interested in the conditions, both societal and personal, of people seeing the world and coming to act in it in a different way. I am exploring these interests as a social anthropologist (PhD 2007), a fully certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator as well as a Practitioner in Psychogenealogy and Transgenerational Therapy.
Marija Kušenić
+38 640223559
Rehabilitation teacher specialized in surdopedagogy, MD. She studied Psychodrama Psychotherapy in Belgrade and Transgenerational Psychotherapy at Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger International School. Since she moved to Slovenia she started developing psychodrama technics in working with deaf people, providing counselling, support and different approaches. She is holding women's circle for ivf support and during different processes of parenthood, supporting women in gaining and developing space for exploration and authentic expression.
Tamara Čavić-Đurić
Psychiatrist, scientific associate, Belgrade Medical Faculty.
Psychodrama psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor.
Transgenerational therapist certified by TG School Anne Ancelin Schützenberger
Lecturer, Center for Psychotherapy Studies- Serbia.
Shahad Altukhaim
Shahad is a Trauma-informed Psychodrama Transgenerational Therapy Practitioner & Integrative Coach.
Using several modalities such as social presenting theatre, dream work, playing, meditation, intuitive guidance, human design and more. Her work focuses on working with women on three core pillars; embodying love, choosing courage and living with freedom.
Experienced in the cultural nuances of middle eastern women, here to guide and support gently as your journey’s companion to live life fully and wholeheartedly. ❤️
Isabel Calvo
Phd, MD, psychodramatist (ASSG, 1994), Psychoterapist Physician in my own space since 1989 (FEAP, ICOMEM accredited). Psychodrama consultant and teacher in organizations (Satori3).
Psychodrama Teacher accredited by ASSG, AEP y FEAP.
Postgraduate courses`s teacher in Málaga University. ASSG President, Con.ciencia Asociacion Vicepresident and Founder.
Christina Marie Sanson
Qualified psychologist both in Sweden and in Italy, trained in psycho-oncology, transgenerational therapy, hypnosis and art therapy, I have worked with cancer patients, abused children and in Italian schools, as well as with children with different disabilities.
Currently, I work as a psychologist in Swedish schools and in private practice.
Alexandre Morais Cravador
Belgian Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist trained at the University Hospital Center of Coimbra (CHUC), Portugal. Former "Chef de Clinique" at the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health (DPSM) of the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG).
Psychodramatist and supervisor, and practitioner of Transgenerational Therapy by Anne Ancelin Schützenberger International School of Transgenerational Therapy.
Currently having his private practice in Geneva, in the ODeF institute, Alexandre leads psychodrama groups and individual sessions in French, English, Portuguese, Greek and Spanish.
Dania Appel
- | Website
I am an art-therapist, trained in transgenerational therapy, living in Geneva.
I used to work for many years with alkoholistic people. Today I work in my private practice, and i am a trainer in the art-therapy school in Geneva: l’Atelier. I am specialised in life histories, using also art to express things differently, and as a mean of getting close to hidden feelings by letting the creative gesture talk.
As a daughter of a Shoah survivor, I came naturally to psychogenealogy. I am also part of a team (, who deals with descendants of holocaust survivors, together with descendants of perpetrators. Enlarging our work to more actual conflicts, we also deal with the roles of victim and tormentor we all have within us.
I speak french, english, german and hebrew.
Silvana Gonçalves
+41 78 648 51 08
Silvana Gonçalves is a clinical psychologist since 2004 (University of Coimbra), and an HSP-Knowledgeable therapist (Elaine Aron program on Psychotherapy with HSP’s). She work’s as psychotherapist in private practice at a médical center in Geneva (Switzerland), since 2017. Her sessions with adults, adolescents and children are available in french and in portuguese. She is also Practioner in Psychogeneology and Transgenerational therapy(CPTT), by Anne Ancelin Schützenberger School of Transgenerational therapy
Nilüfer Demirhan
+90 5535948674 | Website
I am a Clinical Psychologist, Jungian Psychodramatist and EMDR therapist.
I work in private practice with adults, couples and groups. I usually use analytical and systemic approaches. I speak Turkish, English and Italian.
Berna Gökengin
+90 533 4934297
She is a medical doctor, psychodrama therapist, psychodrama trainer and a certified practitioner for transgenerational therapy. She works online with adults using psychodrama and transgenerational therapy. Other fields of work includes psychodrama training groups, experiential psychodrama groups, and institutional team building and communication skills workshops.
Maksym Romenskyi
+351 910763953
Sociodramatist, business trainer, coach
Founder of the training center "Maxtraining". Founder of the International School of Action and Systemic Coaching. Author of books on communication and conflict theory. Started his professional activity in 2002. Main areas of activity: negotiations, operational management technologies, communication and development of teams and companies. Personal consulting experience includes individual coaching, work with couples and families, work with groups of different orientation.
Alexandr Usov
Alexandr Usov is a licensed master's degree social worker and therapist, accredited by the NYS Department of Education. He has received specialized training through the VA as a military social work fellow.
Alexandr's expertise in psychodrama was honed at the Hudson Valley Psychodrama Institute (, and he is a certified Practitioner from the International Certification Program of Transgenerational Therapy (
With extensive clinical experience working with individuals, families, and groups, Alexandr possesses a profound understanding of dynamic family interactions. His diverse background and comprehensive training equip him with the skills and insights necessary to facilitate healing and growth in his clients.
Alexandr is actively participating in the ongoing initiative by IAGP (, “Help for Ukraine”, where he serves as a facilitator for a Support & Supervision group, working collaboratively with his Ukrainian colleagues.